
FileGPT is constantly evolving. Check out our latest updates and features.

  1. FileGPT BetaLatest

    • Resigned Layout: We have listened to your feedback and redesigned the layout to make it more intuitive and user-friendly. We hope you like it!
    • Chat & Dashboard: We have merged the Chat and Dashboard into one single page. You can now chat and manage your collections in the same place, while still enjoying the big space to chat with your files.
    • Small Screen Enhancement: We have improved the experience for phone users. Larger space, better layout, and faster response for our phone users.
  2. FileGPT Beta

    • Introducing Pro: Enhanced features and capabilities - OCR, full audio and video support, and faster processing for a seamless experience.
    • Improved Answers: FileGPT now gathers multiple references from diverse sources to provide the best possible answers to your questions. Try it out using the 'Detailed' option when sending a query. (You'll notice that the answer reappears some times. It's normal since our model are refining the answer with multiple sources)
    • Simplified Pricing: We've revamped our pricing structure for a more streamlined experience - everything now operates using tokens for a unified approach - discover more on our pricing page.